What a way to start the day!!
Enjoyed a fabulous birthday brunch for my daughter, Angela at the "Amaya" restaurant located in the "Grand Del Mar" hotel recently. Yes, the private room with the roaring fireplace and spectacular view was amazing but I had a Crab Benedict with Chipotle Hollandaise that was superlative! I put my own twist on it by replacing the crab with a salmon burger and that put it over the top to say the least. You can also replace the English muffin with an artichoke bottom if you are watching the carbs but gee whiz, if you're going to this much trouble...enjoy yourself for one day and eat the whole darn thing!!!
Start by sautéing a salmon burger. I use the ones from Costco and they are straight from Alaska. They are the best! (Did I mention that my husband is a commercial fisherman in Alaska? ) Keep them warm in a 200 degree oven while you prepare the eggs and sauce.
Next, toast up some great bread. Either an English muffin or some sliced Challah will do the trick. Pop that in the oven as well to stay warm. I like to warm my plates as well. It keeps the meal warm for a little longer.
Prepare the Chipotle Sauce and poach the eggs. I put a little white vinegar in my water before I drop the eggs in to cook. It seems to keep them together. Plate this up and dive in. I serve it with some seasonal berries and as usual, some Prosecco and juice. Now... how's THAT for starting your Sunday morning off with a bang?
Chipotle Sauce
3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon cold water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 sticks unsalted butter
1 tablespoon pureed chipotle peppers in Adobo sauce
salt and pepper to taste
In the top of a double boiler or a heat-proof bowl whisk the egg yolks until they become thick and sticky. Whisk in the water and lemon juice. Place the pan or bowl over a saucepan of simmering, not boiling, water. Whisk until mixture is warm, about 2 minutes. (If mixture looks a little lumpy, dip the pan immediately in a bowl of ice water to cool, whisk until smooth and then continue recipe.) The yolk mixture has thickened enough when you can see the bottom of the pan between strokes and the mixture forms a light cream on the wires of the whisk. While whisking the yolk mixture add the pieces of butter, a tablespoon or so at a time, whisking thoroughly to incorporate before adding more butter. As the mixture begins to thicken and become creamy, the butter can be added more rapidly. Mix in the pureed chipotle sauce.
Add the salt and pepper to taste.
Now plate your dish. Place your toasted bread down first followed by the salmon burger. Put your eggs on top and then drizzle the sauce all over. Be careful not to drown out the dish. The chipotle sauce has a bite so a little goes a long way!
Hmmm...Now what's for dinner?